The Bibliometric Analysis of the Alcohol-induced Muscle Disease Based on CiteSpace


  • Wang Nan Волинський національний університет імені Лесі Українки
  • Oleksandr Motuziuk Волинський національний університет імені Лесі Українки


Ключові слова:

Citespace, alcoholic myopathy, Visualization atlas, ROS, autophagy, antioxidants, Hotspot of Science


Myopathy of the skeletal muscles is caused by excessive misuse of ethanol and affects half to two-thirds of pathological alcohol abusers. It is possible to identify alcohol-induced skeletal muscle disruptions as either 'acute or chronic'. Medium to moderate alcohol has positive or defensive effects (such as cardiovascular) on some organ systems, but long-term drinking and acute toxicity can adversely impact multiple organ systems and potentially increase mortality. Therefore we need a detailed understanding of the study status of alcoholic myopathy. References for researching alcoholic myopathy can be given by the review of this article.
Search the Web of Science (WOS) central archive for alcoholic myopathy research papers from 2000 to 2020, and use CiteSpace and WOS databases for their own literature statistics techniques to evaluate the number of written articles, research organizations, citations to literature and identification of keywords.
A total of 947 publications were collected after screening and the number of articles published grew year by year. The average number of released publications is 47.355. Most documents have been released by a total of 7 countries. Among them, 397 papers were published by the US, ranked first among all nations. Its intermediate centrality is also the largest, suggesting that other countries have more recognition of its scientific findings. The papers published by Emory Univ and Kobe Univ are well regarded in the field, among the top 7 academic institutions with publication volumes. There are 28 core authors and a total of 263 written articles. Highly cited papers are classified into 40 categories, of which 11 are prominently clustered categories. Co-occurrence study of keywords reveals that keywords such as skeletal muscle, oxidative stress, ethanol, alcohol, etc. are very common. The literature on alcoholic myopathy is primarily focused in Western countries, and autophagy, ROS and antioxidants are the latest study hotspots.


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