Еconomic estimationof Сheremsky swamp on the basis of ecosystem services
transitional bog, ecosystem services, Cheremsky nature reserveAbstract
The uniqueness of Cheremsky Nature Reserve is not only the preservation of rare and typical natural complexes of Ukrainian Polissya, but also the fact that its territory is part of the wetland of international importance "Flood of the Stokhod River", which, according to the Ramsar Convention, is of great value. Since of the total area of the Cheremsky Nature Reserve, swamps occupy 33.7% of the territory, it is important to study their ecosystem significance. The method of integrated valuation of ecosystem services is based on the theory of eco-logical rent and the mechanism of its expression – alternative value, taking into account the efficiency of reproduc-tion in the economic and ecological spheres. Element-by-element cost assessment of ecosystem services is based on the assessment of the amount of carbon dioxide deposition by forest and natural wetland ecological systems, the sorption function of wetlands, the assimilation potential of forest ecological systems. The results of approbation of the method of cost estimation of ecosystem services of Cheremsky bog in Cheremsky nature reserve are pre-sented. It is shown that Cheremsky bog provides ecosystem services in the amount of UAH 3696003 / year, as well as sorption (water treatment) function in the amount of UAH 11560951 / year and carbon dioxide absorption in the amount of UAH 244048 / year.
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