“Omic tools” for investigation creative plant systens




Ключові слова:

ionomics; proteomics; metabolomics; transcriptomics; biological systems


The result of the genotype/environment (G/E) interaction affects the success of the implementation of the genetic program of a plant biological system of any level, from a cell population to a multicellular organism. During this interaction, the plant system absorbs trophic and energy resources, processes and assimilates them. Under normal conditions, signal perception and transduction occurs against the background of homeostasis regulated by the genome. Genetic control is exercised at all stages of growth and development of plant systems via differential gene expression. The activity of metabolism is coordinated by the cooparated action of the ionome, proteome, metabolome, and transcriptome. Direct and cross connections between these aspects of life activity are established and developed constantly and manifest themselves in the form of dynamic phenotypic effects from structural formations and enzyme chains. Disturbanses within the individual stages of metabolism and the disconnection between them reveal differences between stable, sensitive and unstable forms. The obtained information is the basis for experiments to obtain forms with improved characteristics. A range of tasks has been outlined in this direction, and there have already been significant developments. Comparison of the dynamics of the functioning of creative variants of plant systems of any level showed their significant differences from the original forms. Changes in creative systems are determined by the interactions of transgenes with endogenous genes and can manifest themselves in the form of positive/negative/combined characteristics of the new system. Comparative studies of the dynamics of vital activity will provide information about the coordinated process of communication both within the cell and between the tissues of a multicellular organism.

The use of various combinations of “omic tools” will facilitate the discovery of new promising candidates among structural and regulatory genes, as well as among promoters. On the other hand, the obtained biological information will be a stimulus for improving the methods and directions of research.


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