International experience of mycobiota protection




biodiversity, fungi, conventions, IUCN, The Global Fungal Red List


The article examines the issue of the protection of fungal biodiversity using world experience. In chronological order, the stages of the creation of international environmental protection organizations, the adoption of conventions of a non-political nature, the texts and appendices to these documents on the subject of species biodiversity were analyzed. Lists of species in the IUCN Red List were studied. It was revealed that since 1948, when the IUCN was established, 26 different kinds of International Conventions, documents and initiatives have been proclaimed/adopted. Among these documents, 8 did not address the issue of biodiversity conservation or touched on this issue indirectly, only indirectly, 18 conventions and initiatives directly related to the protection of biodiversity. Analyzing the texts of these documents, the questions to which they are devoted, and their appendices, we found that specific information about mushrooms, i.e. with an indication of the species or genus, is available only in two documents: the International Red List of Mushrooms (625 species) and the IUCN Red List (811 species). Mushrooms are not mentioned as objects of protection in any Convention.

The information about fungi that needs to be preserved is younger, compared to this information about plants and animals. Therefore, it is necessary to further consider the species composition of mushrooms and assess the state of their populations in order to include endangered species in the Red Lists of the national and international levels.


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How to Cite

International experience of mycobiota protection. (2024). Notes in Current Biology, 7(1), 31-36.