Natural reforestation of pine in the logs without the use of activities to facilitate natural renewal of forest




Pine twist rust, undergrowth, natural renewal of forest, self-seeding, common (Scots) pine, common cockchafer (also colloquially known as the Maybug, Maybeetle or doodlebug), snow/needle blight (common snow mold).


Mass drying of pine forests in Polissya ambiguously demonstrated that the dominant monocultures of single-tiered, same-age forestry origin have low biological stability. This necessitates the transformation of the forest fund of artificial origin into natural forests. The article evaluates the prospects of «passive» natural renewal of pine – without use of activities to facilitate natural renewal of forest and without the creation of even partial forest cultures, but with activities to care for natural renewal. The study of the natural renewal of pine was carried out on the Troyaniv Forestry of the branch «Horodotske lisove hospodarstvo» (Horodotsk Forestry). Information is given on the dynamics of the number of natural renewal of pine during 2020-2023. It was established that self-sowing generations of pine can initially reach a significant density (30-43 thousand of plants per 1 ha), however, the decisive condition for the formation of stable natural young forest is the action of pathological factors. The greatest losses of self-sowing (90-95% of the total number of dead shoots) were caused by damage to the roots by the larvae of the common cockchafer. However, due to the high initial density, the forest's potential for self-regeneration is still maintained.


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How to Cite

Natural reforestation of pine in the logs without the use of activities to facilitate natural renewal of forest. (2024). Notes in Current Biology, 7(1), 19-25.