Functional capacity of the cardiorespiratory system of a dolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic


  • Darya Gorban Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University
  • Olga Yusupova Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University



adolescence, cardiorespiratory system, functional capacity


The article is devoted to the study of the state of cardiorespiratory system in functional tests of students during the pandemic COVID-19. We performed Martine-Kushelevsky test with the determination of pulse and BP at rest, as well as after physical exercise. Ade-quacy of cardiac response to exercise was assessed by Robinson index. To determine the functional state of the respiratory system the spirography method was used, and functional tests by Stange and Henci were performed. The indexes of cardiovascular system activity, which were studied at rest, were within physiological norms for 17-18 years old students. However, elevated BP was detected in some students. The indices of cardiovascular system activity after dosed physical activity approached the initial level, which indicates its adequate adaptive capabilities. The analysis of individual reactions to physical load showed that the majority of the examined responded to the load of normotonic type. Robinson index values were observed to be above average and within the norm in most students, but some students had below average and low values, which indicates impaired regulation of cardiovascular system. It was found that the average indices of the functional state of respiratory system among boys and girls corresponded to the physiological norm. Duration of voluntary respiratory arrest on a breath in and on an exhalation as well as value of the Skibin index at students of young age are at level of the physiological normative values peculiar to the given age period. This indicates a good level of non-specific adaptive capabilities. It should be noted that the majority of students with low respiratory arrest values on functional tests had COVID-19, but there is no statistically significant difference.


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Human and Animal Physiology

How to Cite

Functional capacity of the cardiorespiratory system of a dolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic. (2022). Notes in Current Biology, 1 (1), 63-68.