Bioindicative Mapping of Technogenic Transformed Territories of Kiev


  • Galyna Stets National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
  • Natalia Voloshyna National Pedagogical Dragomanov University



bioindication mapping, ecological and parasitological state, technologically transformed territories, Toxocara canis


The article investigated actual questions the lack of developed methods bioindication mapping of technogenic transformed territories, including periodic fixing state of widespread biological objects by morphological characters and mapping geometric elements, which determine the state of the environment; as a biological object was used zoonotic geohelminthes domestic carnivores (dogs) Toxocara canis, which is recorded in soil samples and using a marking point is applied to the card, constitute environmental schematic maps areas. We tested the adequacy of the method for example Kyiv. The positive effect is that the proposed method enables a differentiated test contamination of soil by toxocara. Using the method will more accurately identify the contamination zone by toxocara, assess and constant monitoring of technogenic transformed territories, to assess the level of contamination, control and plan human activities in the area.


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How to Cite

Bioindicative Mapping of Technogenic Transformed Territories of Kiev. (2016). Notes in Current Biology, 7(332), 98-101.