Analysis of Caddisfly (Trichoptera) Imago Species Composition Uholka Reserve Area of Carpathian Biosphere Reserve


  • Katheryna Sukhomlin Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Vasyl’ Chumak Uzhhorod National University
  • Anna Omeljanchuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



Trichoptera, species diversity, distribution, Uholskyi Reserve array, Carpathian Biosphere Reserve


Within Uholka reserve area of CBR recorded 10 caddisfly species of 8 families. Dominant and widespread is Limnephilus rhombicus. Imago caddisfly actively flying from April to mid-August. Highest fly activity was registered in mid-April and lasts until early June. During the rest of the growing season imago occur in small quantities. The greatest number of species (60 %) was occurred in the forest, and the lowest (40 %) – in the forest and windows. The greatest number of individuals of different species registered in the center of the window (50 %) and the lowest (22,3 %) – in the forest. With increasing height above sea level, species composition is growing and the number of imago is reducing. Slope exposure affects the species composition of collected imago caddisfly – Halesus digitatus was registered only on the northern slopes, Ironoquia dubia – on the southern, Rhyacophila nubila was registered only at the eastern slope of the exposure.


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How to Cite

Analysis of Caddisfly (Trichoptera) Imago Species Composition Uholka Reserve Area of Carpathian Biosphere Reserve. (2015). Notes in Current Biology, 313(12), 91-98.