The influence of remote learning on the indicators of visual acuity of schoolchildren
distance learning, visual acuity, schoolchildrenAbstract
The study aimed to analyze the impact of distance learning on visual acuity (VIS) indicators of schoolchildren. 120 schoolchildren participated in the survey. They have been divided into three groups (40 people each): junior (8-9 years), middle (12-13 years), and senior (16-17 years) school age. Subgroups have been distinguished by gender (20 people each) within the age groups. The following VIS indicators were compared: VIS indicators of schoolchildren who, since 2020, have been on distance (or blended) learning due to current influences (COVID-19, wartime), and whose screen time was long (ST, more than 2 hours), and the indicators of similar examinations of schoolchildren, conducted in 2011-2012 (that is, schoolchildren were not subjected to prolonged ST).
As a result of the study, it was established that schoolchildren aged 8-9 years in terms of distance learning were characterized by a decrease in VIS indicators; girls had slightly lower VIS indicators, compared to boys. Middle- and high-school-age girls had lower VIS indicators compared to boys, independent of the effect of education.
The obtained results and their analysis show that the visual acuity indicators of schoolchildren decrease with age; for girls, a significant decrease was established under the influence of distance learning. With age, an increase in the share of persons with reduced visual acuity indicators was established (boys from 20% (7-8 years old) to 45% (16-17 years old); girls - from 25% to 50%, respectively (among girls 16-17 years old a case with too low VIS, which is 5 %), was established. Teenagers were characterized by the highest share of increased visual acuity indicators: boys – 20%, girls – 10%.
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