The content of carotinoids and ascorbic acid in carrot roots during the storage process in the process of presowing treatment of the seeds with metabolicly active substances
carrots, presowing treatment, vitamin E, ubiquinone-10, paraoxybenzoic acid, methionine, MgSO4, ascorbic acid, carotenoidsAbstract
The research material was carrot seeds of the Nantska variety, metabolically active substances: vitamin E (10-8 M), paraoxybenzoic acid (POBA) (0,001%), methionine (0,001%), ubiquinone-10 (10-8 M) and MgSO4 (0,001 %), and their combinations: vitamin E + POBA + methionine, vitamin E + POBA + methionine + MgSO4, vitamin E + ubiquinone-10. The effectiveness of the studied metabolically active substances and their combinations in increasing the content of ascorbic acid and carotenoids, as well as reducing the loss of these compounds during the storage of root, was demonstrated for the first time in the roots of Nantska carrots. The greatest increase in the content of carotenoids was observed during the presowing treatment of seeds with vitamin E, ubiquinone-10 and the complex vitamin E + ubiquinone-10, and the smallest loss of carotenoids was recorded with the use of ubiquinone-10. The greatest increase in the content of ascorbic acid was observed during the presowing treatment of seeds with vitamin E, and the smallest losses of ascorbic acid were recorded when using MgSO4 and the complex of vitamin E + ubiquinone-10. In the technology of growing carrots, it is advisable to use agricultural methods that involve presowing treatment of seeds with metabolically active compounds.
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