Cultivation of Sparassis laminosa on plant substrates
fruiting bodies, Sparassis laminosa 2211, re-situAbstract
Sparassis laminosa is an edible species, has pharmaceutically value and can be used for cultiva-tion. The fungus is rare in Belarus, in some regions of the Russian Federation and in Poland. In Ukraine, this species is proposed to be included in the "List of species that are endangered and subject to protection." Fungus has the large size of the fruiting bodies up to 60 cm in diameter and weighing up to 9 kg. It is easy to detect and remove from nature that increases the risk of extinction of the species.
The aim of the study was to detect conditions of S laminosa fruiting on plant substrates, modified by leaf and the prospects of the modified substrates for industrial cultivation f the species.
The studies were performed with a pure culture of S. laminosa 2211 in three stages. In the first stage, the culture was grown for 14 days in the Petri dishes on WA. In the second stage, the mycelium from the Petri dish was transferred in a 0.5 liter glass jars. Jars contained plant substrates such as wheat grains, sunflower husks, coniferous shavings, wheat straws (in the ratio 8: 2: 1: 1). Mycelium overgrew plant substrate at 15 days. In the third stage, the mycelium together with the plant substrate was placed in the sterilization boxes with sterile fallen leaves.
It was found that complete fouling of the leaves by the mycelium of the fungus takes place on 40 ± 2 days of the experiment, and the first fruiting bodies of S. laminosa appear at 46 days after the adding of the plant sub-strate to the leaves. Fruiting bodies have a typical type of morphology, cream color, are formed in places of light access, in the amount of one fruit body per box. Formed fruiting bodies not exceeding 15-20 × 10-15 cm, weight not more than 70 g, so the technique needs refinement. We should change the container where fruiting is recorded. Need a container that would maintain a stable humidity of the substrate during cultivation and improving the light regime. These changes will allow adjusting the conditions for fruiting of S. laminosa and reach acceptable for in-dustry parameters.
The obtained results are important for their application in the implementation of the re-situ technique. Using fallen leaves and overgrowth them by mycelium before its removal into nature will obviously reduce the process of adaptation of the mycelium to natural conditions and thus increase its viability.
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