The formation of lakesphytoplankton under the influence of environmental factors


  • Yulia Shelyuk Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University
  • Olena Zhytova Zhytomyr National Agroecological University
  • Natalia Kuryn Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University



phytoplankton, lakes, wetlands, diversity, environmental factors


For the first time, phytoplankton studies of the lakes Voronki, Luko, Ostrivske (Rivne region), Didove and Gorohivka (Zhitomir region) were carried out. Phytoplankton in the water bodies study was represented by 161 species (165 intraspecific taxa) belonging to 84 genera, 48 families, 28 orders, 13 classes. It has been established that diatoms and green algae play leading role in the formation phytoplankton of lakes. The number of species significantly correlates with pH, color and does not depend on area lakes. The low algal flora of lakes is characterized by a low number of species of genera (65-91%). A tendency towards an increase in the role of small-cell centric diatoms with an increase in the phosphorus content of phosphates and total nitrogen was revealed. The average value of the diatom coefficient was 0.42. A moderate dependence of intensity of algae vegetation on water temperature, phosphorus phosphate content was established. In the studies lakes, the leading role belongs to the plankton-bentic and planktonic forms of algae, indicators of slow-flowing and standing waters, moderate forms with respect to water temperature, indifferents with respect to salinity and pH with a noticeable proportion of acidohpiles in Didove Lake and Gorokhivka Wetland. Most types of indicators of saprobity are represented by β-mesosaprobes, oligosaprobes, oligo- β-mesosaprobes. With an increase in the total nitrogen content, the proportion of oligosaprobes decreases. Mostly in the lakes, the oligodominant structure of phytoplankton is observed. An increase in concentration of total nitrogen causes a decrease in the Shannon index.


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How to Cite

The formation of lakesphytoplankton under the influence of environmental factors. (2019). Notes in Current Biology, 4(388).