Phylogenetic analysis of some monocotyledon taxa according to comparative flower morphology


  • Oksana Fishchuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



phylogenetic analysis, gynoecium, vascular anatomy, vertical zonality


According to the evolutionary-morphological analysis of the flower by studied taxa, 39 features were identified that will be formalized and used for phylogenetic analysis of the species. Among the features we have discovered there are features of the flower vascular anatomy, the internal structure and vertical zonality of gynoecium, the structure of septal nectar. Most signs of gynoecium and flower vascular anatomy were used for cladistic analysis at the first time. There were study 11 genus (Sansevieria Thunb., Dracaena Vand. ex L., Asparagus L., Ruscus L., Polygonatum Mill., Convallaria L., Maianthemum L., Anthericum L., Cordyline Comm. еx R. Br., Chlorophytum Ker Gawl., Ruscus L.). The evolutionary-morphological analysis and cladistic analysis of the studied species gave some different results in relation to the affinity of the studied taxa, although they allowed for the formation of clear organization levels and morphological types of perianth, androecium and gynoecium. The cladistic analysis was performed using TNT 1.1. (Goloboff et al., 2008). The search for the optimal and shortest cladogram by the maximum parsimony method was performed by heuristic search.


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How to Cite

Phylogenetic analysis of some monocotyledon taxa according to comparative flower morphology. (2019). Notes in Current Biology, 4(388).