The Influence of «Acoustic Peak» of the Audiograms on the Structure of the Neuronets of the Brain at Veterans of OOS With Traumatic Brain Injury During Testing Visual Working Memory
LORETA, acoustic trauma, right tiredness, «acute traumatic tooth», EEG, visual memoryAbstract
As of today, Ukraine has developed a tendency to increase the hearing problems of national servicemembers, who have fallen into an area of sound wave. Therefore, the purpose of our work was to study the effect of acoustic traumatic and «acoustic peak» on traumatic brain injury (TBI) while testing visual working memory. 18 KNU students of Taras Shevchenko (control group) and 11 servicemembers with TBI and right-sided hearing loss - patients of the rehabilitation center «Military sanatorium of Ukraine «Pusha Vodytsya»» adopted part in study. We have found that patients with right-sided hearing loss can have a «acoustic peak», as well as it can be missing. It was found that when testing the visual working memory in the control group, the effect of the level of complexity of stimulus was found only for the levels of complexity of more than 5 stimulus, that were presented for memorization, and only for the left hand. In the group without «acoustic peak» the level of difficulty had a significant effect on the number of errors, both left and right hands, in comparison with the control group, the number of errors the left hand was significantly greater for 2–4 stimulus and the reaction time with the left hand was significantly larger for all levels of complexity. In the group with «acoustic peak», there was no significant effect of the level of complexity on the number of errors with the left and right hands. However, they made a larger number of errors and had a longer reaction both hands at all levels of difficulty compared with the control group and made more mistakes of the right hand with longer response time for 7 stimulus compared with the non-«acoustic peak» group. In the control group, at the level of complexity up to 5 geometric figures, a ventral system of visual working memory was discovered and when the complexity of the task was overcome, processes of «top-down» control and decision-making were activated. In the group of patients without «acoustic peak» only the ventral system of visual memory was revealed, while in the group of patients with «acoustic peak» was chaotic activation at different levels of complexity of various zones, which are related to the perception of visual stimuli, memory, retrieval and decision-making processes, as a result, an adequate and effective system of visual working memory was not created. Thus, raising the thresholds for auditory sensitivity by 4/6 kHz and, that is, the presence of a «acoustic peak» can be considered a specific marker of deeper damage to the structures of the brain.
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