Research of Functional Reserves of Mental Performance


  • Volodymyr Lizohub Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy
  • Nataliia Сhernenko Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy
  • Tatyana Kozhemyako Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy
  • Ahmet Palabiyik Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy
  • Svitlana Bezkopulna Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy



mental performance, processing of information, functional reserves, signals of different modalities


The relevance of the article is due to the fact that in modern conditions, successful mental activity is impossible without the maximum tension of the psychophysiological functions of the organism. All this leads to an increase in nervous and emotional stress, which is one of the causes of tiredness and illness.
Therefore, in our time is necessary to study the psycho-physiological characteristics of mental activity during the processing of information of varying complexity and modality.
The aim of the work is to develop a method for researching and evaluating functional reserves of mental performance during the processing of information of various modalities.
The article presents a new method of research and evaluation of functional reserves of mental performance, under conditions of processing of information of different modalities with a gradual increase and decrease in the rate of presentation of stimuli. The individual level of using of reserve capabilities is a factor limiting mental performance.
The proposed method extends the existing concepts of mental performance, brings new knowledges into the
understanding of the functional reserve and can be effectively used to determine the suitability of a person to work in extreme psycho-emotional conditions and the processing of complex information tasks of different modalities.
The proposed method of research and scales of the evaluation of the level of functional reserves of mental
working capacity during the processing of information of various modalities can indicate their reliability and

A higher level of functional reserves of mental performance is established when processing information using geometric figures in comparison with verbal signals.
Individual level of reserve possibilities should be considered a factor that limits mental performance which indicates the ability of the organism to withstand more than the usual information load.
Research methodology and results of work can be used for psychophysiological diagnostics, determination of professional membership, sports selection and professional-psychological suitability of operators in various spheres of working activity and assessment of professional qualities.


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How to Cite

Research of Functional Reserves of Mental Performance. (2018). Notes in Current Biology, 8(381), 102-107.