Influence of Growth Inhibitors on a Leaf Aparatus of Poppy Oil
oil poppy (Papaver somniferum), regulator of growth, chlormequat-hlorіdе, folikyr, mesostructure of leaves, morphogenesisAbstract
During the field experiment we studied the effect of chlormequat-chloride and folikyr on the morphological peculiarities of the leaf surface formation and the anatomical indices of the leaves of the oilseed poppy plants. It is proved that the treatment of oilseed poppy plants with growth inhibitors leads to strengthening in the branching of the stem, the increase in the number, leaves’ mass and area and the duration of their lifespan. Such changes can contribute to the prolongation of synthesis and accumulation of assimilates, and they can also have a positive impact on crop yield. During the entire period of vegetation, regardless of weather conditions, the number of leaves in the plants treated with retardants was greater than in the control ones and, accordingly, at the end of the vegetation the number was the following: with chlormequat-chloride – *19,18±0,59, with the folikyr – *18,62±0,45, against the control items where the number of leaves was 16,53±0,39. Thus, it is more effective to use chlormequat-chloride solution rather than the folikyr. A similar trend is observed in the influence of growth regulators on the leaf area, it increased in all variants of the case study.
The use of retardants of the quaternary ammonium salt of chlormequat-chloride and the triazole derivative of the folikyr resulted in thickening of the main assimilation tissue of chlorenchyme leaf due to the growth of its cells, and it also contributed to the increase in the number of stomata and their total area per leaf surface unit.
The formation of a more powerful leaf apparatus ensured an increase in the productivity of oilseed poppy plants. It is proved that the use of anti-giberlin regulators of growth leads to positive changes in the structure of the crop, namely an increase in the number of poppy heads per plant, the number of seeds in a head, the mass of the seed itself. This contributed to the growth of crop capacity of oilseed poppy plants, and in the samples with the use of chlormequat-chloride, the crop capacity was – *895,43±10,35 kg/ha, the folikyr – *869,52± 11,52 kg/ha, against the control samples, where it was – 812,66±9,64 kg/ha.
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