Diprospan Impact on Development of Epidural Fibrosis in Rat Spinal Cord
fibrosis, connective tissue, diprospanAbstract
As agent potent to reduce post operational epidural fibrosis betamethasone based drags proved to be useful. Investigation of the diprospan in dose 1 ml/kg impact on artificially induced epidural fibrosis of rat spinal cord was conducted. Betamethason is main active component of this drug. Reduce of the number of fibrosis structures after diprospan application was shown. Wherein fraction of connective tissue reduced on 27 %. Decline of maximum thickness reached 43 % relative to control. Area reduction of fibrosis was observed. It was lesser up to 41 % relative to control. Betamethasone as active component through its anti-inflammatory effect as a glucocorticosteroid has high potential for therapy of epidural spinal cord fibrosis. Also betamethason included in diprospan drag formula has high glucocorticosteroid effect but mineralcorticoidal effect is relatively insignificant. Through antiinflamatory action and ability greatly reduce epidural scar adhesion this drug mixture can by useful in medical practice related to spinal cord fibrosis.
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