The Wheat Biotechnology. The Protein Pools of Plants Tissues and cell Cultures


  • Larisa Sergeeva Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  • Maria Dykun Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  • Larisa Bronnikova Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine



wheat, plant tissues, cell culture, protein pool, electrophoresis


Cell cultures are completely sufficient objects of the investigation, from one hand. From another, they may be units of biotechnological experiments directed to obtaining genetically modified plant forms. Cell cultures ensure to conduct the investigations of physiological and biochemical processes of cellular level. At the same time those events develop in cells that divide and grow actively. Some metabolism parameters are the adequate markers of normal/stress/pathological states of cell population. Cell culture with its dynamics considerably differs from intact plant tissues with their special functions. So, in vitro manipulations need regular control and proper modifications for any plant. Wheat biotechnology in vitro becomes advanced approach last time. Wheat plant tissues as well as wheat cultures there were detected. Two electrophoresis methods (Poperelia and Laemmli) for protein pools analyses were compared. The objects of investigation were different wheat tissues and their cell cultures. There was marked that the optimal test is a marker of functional status of cell culture.



How to Cite

The Wheat Biotechnology. The Protein Pools of Plants Tissues and cell Cultures. (2017). Notes in Current Biology, 13(362), 32-36.