History of land relations, research on nature and soils of Volyn


  • Zinchuk M. 2 Lutsk National Technical University
  • Shvorak A. Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukraine
  • Shevchuk M Lesya Ukrainka Volyn European National University Lutsk, Ukraine




land relations, nature, reform, soil fertility, science, soil research, land shares.


The article provides a historical overview of land relations, research on nature, and the soils of Volyn. The state of development of land relations and soil science research in the mid-19th - early 21st centuries is analyzed in chronological order. It has been established that the first written mention of the Volyn people is given in the chronicle - "The Tale of Bygone Years", when the lands of the Dulib -Volyn people in 981 became part of Kyivan Rus, and from 1157 into a principality independent of Kyiv. Further information about the state of land relations and research on nature and soils is related to the subordination of Volyn to the Principality of Lithuania, gentry Poland, Royal Russia, Poland, and the Ukrainian SSR.

Particular attention is paid to the role of science in preserving and increasing soil fertility in the Volyn region in the context of land relations reform after World War II and during the period of Independent Ukraine when leading scientific institutions of Ukraine were involved in the study of natural resources and issues related to soil fertility, relevant regulatory documents were developed, and large-scale soil surveys were conducted, resulting in soil maps and recommendations for production on the effective use of soil resources by each owner of land plots.


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How to Cite

History of land relations, research on nature and soils of Volyn. (2025). Notes in Current Biology, 8(2). https://doi.org/10.29038/NCBio.24.2-10