Coagulogram indicators in patients with post-covid syndrome


  • Dmytro Davydenko
  • Tetyana Galapchuk
  • Oleksandr Motuziuk Волинський національний університет імені Лесі Українки, Луцьк, Україна
  • Oksana Usova



COVID-19, biomarkers, coagulogram indicators, post-covid syndrome.


Coagulogram indicators were studied in patients with post-covid syndrome aged 24 to 80 years of both sexes, with different vaccination status against coronavirus infection. Determination of coagulogram parameters in patients with post-covid syndrome is an integral part of the examination of these patients. The coagulogram includes a number of indicators, such as blood clotting time, the level of fibrinogen, platelets and other factors that determine the blood coagulation system.

It was determined that the indicators of the hemostasis system (APTT, PT, D-dimer, fibrinogen) exceed the permissible values, which indicates a significant impact of the post-covid syndrome on this system. An increase in these indicators may indicate the activation of the blood coagulation system, which may be associated with the risk of thrombosis or inflammatory processes.

The levels of biological markers in vaccinated and unvaccinated patients vary in different ranges. However, D-dimer levels in vaccinated patients are slightly lower than in unvaccinated patients. This suggests that vaccination probably alleviates the course of the disease.

The results of the study provide important information for diagnosing the state of hemostasis and determining the risk of thrombotic complications in patients with post-covid syndrome. Consideration of elevated levels of C-reactive protein and coagulogram indicators can serve as important markers for clinicians when making decisions about treatment and monitoring of patients.


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Human and Animal Physiology

How to Cite

Coagulogram indicators in patients with post-covid syndrome. (2024). Notes in Current Biology, 7(1), 80-85.