Macromycetes of "Hutsulshtyna" National natural park and their antibacterial properties.
Ксилотрофи, мікоризозалежні гриби, гумусові сапротрофи, антибактеріальна активність, каталазна та супероксиддисмутазна активністьAbstract
The ability of ethanol extracts of 20 species of macromycetes to inhibit the growth of bacterial cultures was studied. Their influence on indicators of superoxide dismutase and catalase activities in relation to three types of test cultures of microorganisms was established. Extracts of Cantharellus cibarius, Grifola frondosa Laetiporus sulphureus, Leccinum scabrum, Mycena leptocephala, Russula rosea, Strobilomyces strobilaceus showed the largest diameters of growth retardation of microorganisms of test cultures. The ability to counteract bacteria is a species-specific feature and does not depend on the trophic timing of macromycetes, the same applies to the ability to suppress the catalase activity of microorganisms. Extracts of macromycetes, which provoked inhibition of the growth of cultures, led to changes in the SOD activity of the studied bacteria: during incubation of M. luteus culture with mushroom extracts, which showed an inhibitory effect on the growth of microorganisms with a diameter of 8-12 mm, superoxide dismutase activity increased 2-3 times, during incubation of M. luteus bacteria with extracts that inhibited growth with a diameter greater than 12 mm, the enzymatic activity increased 8-10 times. The SOD activity of B. spizizeni increased by 40-80% at the 24th hour of the experiment with extracts, the use of which is accompanied by the formation of a 10 mm zone of growth inhibition, but already after 48 hours of the experiment, the indicators of the SOD activity of B. spizizeni decreased to the control values. SOD activity of E. coli increased on the 24th hour of the experiment by 1.4-1.6 times relative to the control values, even with the use of extracts that provoked inhibition of the growth of cultures with a diameter of 8 mm and remained high on the 48th hour of the experiment (in 1.2-1.3 times).
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