Bryophytes of the Syra Pogonia peat massif of the Rivnenskyi Nature Reserve (Ukraine): ecological and biomorphological characteristics
: мохи, печіночники, екологічні групи, життєві форми, Західне Полісся, болотні екосистемиAbstract
Monitoring biodiversity and the state of mire ecosystems is particularly relevant today for the further planning of nature conservation management in such areas. Revision the taxonomic composition and determining the ecological and biomorphological features of the bryoflora of the peat massif Syra Pogonia RNR are relevant for assessing its current state and forecasting its dynamic dynamic trends. Research on bryophytes was carried out during 2020-2023 by collecting field materials, processing literary sources and critical analysis of herbarium collections. 68 species of bryophytes from 31 families and 39 genera we have identified in the mire massif of the Syra Pogonia of the Rivnenskyi Nature Reserve based on the results of our own field research and literary data. The families Sphagnaceae – 22,2%, Polytrichaceae – 11,8%, Mniaceae and Dicranaceae – 7,5% each, were found to be the most abundant in terms of species. An analysis of the ecological groups of mosses based on trophicity of the substrate revealed a predominance of mesotrophic (33,8%) and oligotrophic species (30,1%), as well as mesoeutrophic species (19,1%); a significant percentage (5,9%) of eutrophic species. Among the ecological groups based on moisture of the habitats, hygromesophytes and hygrophites predominate (35,3%); mesophytes and xeromesophytes account for 30,3% and 20,6% respectively. As a result of biomorphological analysis, the dominance of tall turfs (39,7%) and wefts (19,1%) life forms of mosses, which are associated with wet and oversaturated areas of mire and forest ecosystems, was established, but a large percentage of short turf (23,5%) were also found to be widespread on disturbed areas. A wide range of trophic and moisture content of habitats, as well as a variety of biomorphological spectra of bryophytes, were observed in the studied territory. The heterogeneity of the ecobiomorphological spectrum of mosses in the in the mire massif, particularly the significant presence of xeromesophytic and mesoeutrophic species with life forms of low turfs, indicates a negative trend towards meso- and eutrophication of certain sites of the oligotrophic bog.
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