Historical development and secondary bone palate variability of mammals


  • Maria Biletska Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University




secondary bone palate, variability, phylogeny, mammals, theriomorphic reptiles


Abstract. The following paper presents the results of long-term investigations (1995-2020) of the secondary bone palate (SBP) of mammals. It was analyzed the historical development of this structure in theriomorphic reptiles and mammals and the nature of the secondary bone palate variability, its functional and phylogenetic significance was discussed.

There were described the structure features of the secondary bone palate of representatives from 12 orders of recent mammals and extinct theriomorphic reptiles. Among the theriomorphic reptiles, considerable attention is paid to the analysis of the SBP structure in Procynosuchus, Bauria, Thrinaxodon, and Cynognathus. The os praemaxillare, os maxillare, palatine, os pterygoideum, praevomer and vomer formed the SBP structure of these groups. In mammals SBP structure is simplified and formed by the palatine processes of the praemaxilla, maxilla and palatine bones. It was shown that the secondary bone palate of mammals reveals variability in the quantity of elements it consists of, the presence or absence of the vomer in its structure and the partial participation of individual bones. There were given 14 different variants of the SBP structure with extreme deviations from the typical mammalian structure (absence in its constitution of os maxillare (Desmodus rotundus) or os praemaxillare (most Mikrochiroptera) bones, as well as the presence of a os pterygoideum and praevomer (Monotremata, Cetacea, Edentata) and the presence of a vomer insert (Chiroptera, Cetacea, Artiodactyla). It was concluded that the class Mammalia preserves the entire range of elements inherent in the reptiles palate and almost all its structure variants. This allows us to assert that the SBP of mammals is inherited from theriomorphic reptiles.



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How to Cite

Historical development and secondary bone palate variability of mammals. (2023). Notes in Current Biology, 1 (5), 50-60. https://doi.org/10.29038/NCBio.23.1-7