The current state of landscape complexes and biodiversity of the territory in the zone of influence of the poultry farm in the village Zvynyache, Lutsky District, Volyn Region (Ukraine)
landscapes, geocomplexes, biodiversity, flora, fauna, poultry farmAbstract
According to the preliminary results, the area of the study has undergone significant transformation as a result of anthropogenic impact and erosion processes caused by it. Modern natural plant communities are at different stages of their succession restoration, as a result of the specified factors and they are typical for the region. The dominant geocomplexes in the research area is the second supraflood loess terrace with a predominance of arable lands. The plant communities of the research area are synanthropic according to their floristic composition, with a high proportion of local weeds and adventive plant species. It was proved a high percentage of adventive plant species – 40.2%. Index of flora synanthropization is quite high – 88.9%. The ratio of adventive species by introduction time is almost the same: 24 species or 18.9% – archaeophytes and 27 species or 21.3% – chenophytes. The rate of general apophytization is also high (48.8%). The anthropization index is 40.2%. Index of archaeophytization (18.9%), kenophytization (21.3%), modernization (47.1%). Plant species from resolutions 4 and 6 of the Berne Convention was not identified on the study area. Only one regionally rare species was identified in Volyn region - common polypody Polypodium vulgare L., which grows in the tract "Posadka". Most of the registered animals are numerous in the study area, among them 25% synanthropic species, 91.7% typical species for cultural landscapes, 41.7% pests. No animal species listed in the Red Book of Ukraine were identified, the least weasel Mustela nivalis is included in Appendix 3 of the Berne Convention and wood nuthatch Sitta europaea is included in Appendix 2 of the Berne Convention. The general state of flora and fauna development, the state of biodiversity, the quality of the environment in the area of the planned activity implementation is characterized as satisfactory. Level of influence economic activity is considered permissible.
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Resolution No. 4 (1996) listing endangered natural habitats requiring specific conservation measures.
Nuthatch - Sitta europaea Linnaeus, 1758.
Weasel - Mustela nivalis Linnaeus, 1766.

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