Cultivation of planting material in forest nurseries of the Volyn region
nursery, planting material, Pinus sylvestris L., Quercus robur L., assortment, area, organization of production, cultivationAbstract
Nurseries play a key role in the success of afforestation and artificial forest regeneration. The development of nurseries helps to match the demand with the production of planting material and its quality control. The article analyzes the production volumes of planting material in forest nurseries of the forestry «Pavlivske» of the state enterprise «Volodymyr-Volynske lisomyslyvske hospodarstvo», in forestry «Dolske» of the SE «Liubeshivske lisomyslyvske hospodarstvo» and the forestry «Manevytske» of the SE «Manevytske lisove hospodarstvo».
It was investigated that the nursery of the forestry «Manevytske» is characterized by the cultivation of Pinus sylvestris L. The maximum number of Scots pine seedlings was obtained in 2020 on an area of 0.83 hectares, and the smallest – 0.6 hectares, in the last research years. The area of cultivated deciduous species ranges from 0.07 to 0.205 ha.
In the nursery of the forestry «Pavlivske», a prominent place is given to the cultivation of deciduous species. Dominant positions are occupied by Quercus robur L. (359.1 thousand units), Quercus rubra L. (208.8 thousand units) and Prunus avium L. (10.9 thousand units). Scots pine seedlings occupy an area of 0.17–0.26 ha, or 625.7–779.2 thousand units, depending on the years of cultivation.
It was established that the species diversity of forest planting material in the nursery in forestry «Dolske» is represented mainly by seedlings of Pinus sylvestris L. The largest number of Pinus sylvestris seedlings was grown in 2017 (1000 thousand units of plants), the least in 2015 and 2018 (700 thousand units). The number of seedlings of leafy species was reproduced the most in 2019 and amounted to a total of 81.000 seedlings, of which the vast majority of 50.000 pcs. are selection seedlings of Quercus robur.
The accounting of plantings of the forestry fund shows an increase in the area of created forest crops (77.7–127.3 ha). The number of grown seedlings is sufficient to satisfy own needs only in 2016–2018, in subsequent years the difference between the need and the availability of planting material was noted.
The peculiarities of the technology (schemes of sowing and planting, caring for crops before and after germination) and agrotechnics of growing planting material in the nursery were studied. Prospects for improving the activity of the nursery were developed and ways to improve the cultivation of planting material were proposed.
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