Variation of indicators of seed germination and linear growth of Ginkgo biloba L. seedlings under the influence of metabolically active substances
Ginkgo biloba L., seeds, seedlings, metabolically active substances, germination, linear growth, pre-sowing seed treatmentAbstract
In Ukraine, Ginkgo biloba was considered only as a dendrological rarity – an object of artificial cultivation in arboretums and botanical gardens. A significant expansion of the use of specimens of the studied species is restrained by the lack of a sufficient amount of planting material. There is a need to use additional measures aimed at improving the processes of germination and growth of young plants. Such measures can be metabolically active substances that can be used to treat seeds before sowing. To solve the tasks, we used metabolically active substances such as: Kudesan (0,001%), Vitamin E (10-8M), Paraoxybenzoic acid (POBK) (0,001%), methionine (0,001%), magnesium sulfate (0,001%). The seed material was soaked in solutions of the studied metabolically active substances and kept for one day. Sowing was carried out in a container with a prepared substrate. The highest average root length in the seedlings of 2020 was provided by the composition of metabolically active substances in the composition of Vitamin E + Methionine + POBK, and in the seedlings of 2021 – single-component compounds of Methionine, Vitamin E and three- and four-component compositions. The indicator of the average number of lateral roots in 2020 was best influenced by both the single-component compound of Methionine and the compositions of substances: three-component (Vitamin E + POBK + Methionine) and four-component (Vitamin E + Methionine + POBK + MgSO4). In 2021, the most effective were Vitamin E, Kudesan and a four-component composition. Only the multicomponent composition of Vitamin E + POBK + Methionine + MgSO4 was the most effective for the height of the stems of Ginkgo biloba seedlings in 2020. In 2021, MgSO4 and Kudesan had the best impact on this indicator. Considering all of the above, it is advisable to use metabolically active substances and their compositions for pre-sowing treatment of Ginkgo biloba seeds to obtain high-quality planting material. The use of these substances to increase the germination rate of seeds and improve the growth of young seedlings depends on the features of seed formation and the content of nutrients in it.
The Ginkgo pages. URL:
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