Free proline organ-depented distribution in winter wheat plants during early osmotic stresses
winter wheat, osmotic stress, Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, T2-progeny, prolineAbstract
Winter wheat is crop cultivar of special importance in Ukraine. Traditional breeding efforts are not enough for providing agriculture with better forms. Various cereal biotechnological approaches are actively elaborated and widely extended. The Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in planta method is among them. This approach was used for obtaining winter wheat forms with higher level of free proline. It is known that the level of L-proline is regulated by cooperation of own systems of synthesis/degradation. Δ-1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase (ProDH) is the enzyme of proline degradation. Transgenic plants of two genotypes UK 95/17 and UK 322/17 of winter wheat and their T1, T2 progeny with introduction of double-stranded RNA-suppressor of ProDH gene were obtained. 10 day T2-plants were exposed to 3 hours simulating osmotic stresses. Stress conditions were created by the addition of mannitol (0,8M) or sea water salts (25,0g/l). The levels of L-proline were measured separately in shoots and roots. There were genotype and organ-dependent differences between UK 95/17-T2 and UK 322/17-T2 forms. Under stress pressure levels of L-proline in UK 95/17-T2 line demonstrated the features of stabilization/increase, at the same time the levels of L-proline in UK 322.17-T2 showed the trends of stabilization/decrease. The obvious influence of transgene was not observe.
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