Assessment of the current state of drained and degraded soils of Western Polissya


  • Volodymyr Havrylyuk Polissya research station «Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research named after O. N. Sokolovsky»
  • Andrii Bortnik Polissya research station «Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research named after O. N. Sokolovsky»
  • Roman Melymuka NSC «Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research named after O.N. Sokolovsky»



reclamation, radiation pollution, agroecological condition of soil, heavy metals, nutrients


This work is devoted to the analysis and assessment of the quality of agroecological condition of the soil cover of drained and degraded lands of the Western Polissya zone in order to increase and sometimes restore the fertility of these lands. Based on the results of the obtained analyzes on the content of radioactive elements, in particular cesium-137, the ecological situation of the soil cover of the studied soils was determined, the content of heavy metals in the soil cover and agrochemicals was studied. soil analysis was performed. According to research, it has been established that: 1) even in the area of radiation pollution there are no lands with ecological emer-gency, and the indicators do not exceed 15.1 Bq / m2, 2) heavy metals do not exceed the maximum allowable norms, and sometimes in very small quantities. and need replenishment, 3) to increase the productivity of drained lands it is necessary to increase the content of nutrients in the soil, because the nitrogen content in the soil is very low and low, phosphorus content ranges from very low to medium values, and potas-sium content below average. Studies have also been conducted to determine the reaction of the soil environment. The results of the analyzes showed strong hetero-geneity, as the indicators ranged from very acidic to slightly alkaline, but most of the studied soils are characterized by moderately acidic and weakly acidic reactions of the soil environment.


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How to Cite

Assessment of the current state of drained and degraded soils of Western Polissya. (2022). Notes in Current Biology, 2(2), 23-29.