Biodiversity of the floodplain and channel of the Dniester River in the villages of Lipitsa and Kolodruby, Stryi district, Lviv region (Ukraine)
flora, fauna, floodplain of the Dniester riverAbstract
According to the results of field research during the vegetation period of 2021, 118 species of vascular plants and 76 species of animals were found in the floodplain of the Dniester River in the Stryj district of the Lviv region. Survey of the site in the village of Lipitsa and the village of Kolodruby were carried out during the vegetation period of 2021 (16.05.2021, 15.06.2021, 24.06.2021 and 03.08.2021). The research territory area is about 1 ha along the right and left banks of the Dniester River. The floodplain is covered with tall grasses (Heracleum sphondylium L., Glyceria notata Chevall., Phragmites australis (Cov.) Trin. ex Steud.), weeds (Arctium lappa L., A. to-mentosum Mill., Echinocystis lobata (Michx.) Gray, Veronica filiformis Sm.), underwoods of Rubus caesius L., shrubs and trees Salix alba L., S. acutifolia Willd., S. fragilis L., S. viminalis L., S. pentandra L.
The location of the study area within the settlements contributed to a significant anthropogenization of vegetation – aboriginal species account for 39,8 % of the total number of all identified plant species, synanthropic – 60, 2 %, in particular, apophytes – 43,2 %, archaeo-phytes and kenophytes – 17,0 %, which indicates a significant transformation of the spontaneous flora.
Among animals molluscs of 6 species, insects – 58 species, amphibians – 1 species, birds – 10 species, mammals – 1 species were noted. All animals are typical and numerous in the study region, among them the usual background species account for 47,4 % of the total number registered, a relatively large proportion of forest and garden pests (26,3 %) and bloodsuckers (14,5 %). The study area was signifi-cantly anthropogenic. Synanthropic plants account for 60,2 %, synanthropic animals – 11,8 %. Registered species do not belong to the re-gional, state and international lists of rare species.
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