Spread monitoring of Salvinia natans (l.) all in the Turia river within the city Kovel


  • Larysa Kotsun Lesia Ukrainka Volyn National University https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3202-7561
  • Volodymyr Radzii Lesia Ukrainka Volyn National University
  • Borys Kotsun Lesia Ukrainka Volyn National University




Salvinia natans, distribution, Red Book, remote monitoring


Resume: Salvinia natans (L.) All. - it is an internationally protected species (included in Annex I of the Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, the European Red List (category NT Near Threatened), the list of the Interna-tional Union for Conservation of Nature (category Least Concern). At the national level, the species was protected until 2021 (the third edi-tion of the Red Book of Ukraine with conservation status - invaluable), was removed by the Red Book of Ukraine of the fourth edition from 2021. Research has shown that the species is widespread in the Turia River, forming continuous carpets with 100% projective coverage. As part of the planned activities, according to remote sensing, the settlement of S. natans is located in an area of 0.09 ha. According to the Sen-tinel-2 image, the following was determined: the average value of NDVI (as of 15.09.2020) of natural habitats of S.natans is 0.65–0.73, which corresponds to the good condition of vegetation. It was found that the beginning of the species vegetation began in mid-July and lasted until early October. Deterioration of the hydrological regime of the Turia River within the planned activities is accompanied by processes of synantropization of plant groups, the dominance of dangerous invasive species. Studies have shown that the vegetation of the planned area is not valuable from a botanical point of view and is characterized by typical for anthropogenically disturbed areas synanthropic groups and fragmentary inclusions of the dangerous invasive species Artemisia artemisiofolia. In the absence of appropriate measures, these processes will intensify. Planned activities in the area of float and clearing the channel do not pose a threat to the existence of the population of S. na-tans. In addition, the growth of the species on the Turia River contributes to the deterioration of its ecological condition, which is manifested in a decrease in oxygen content in the water during its mass distribution, which can cause suffocation of fish, the aesthetic appearance of the reservoir is lost during the extinction of continuous mats of the species, the recreational opportunities of the reservoir are reduced, etc.


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How to Cite

Spread monitoring of Salvinia natans (l.) all in the Turia river within the city Kovel. (2022). Notes in Current Biology, 2(2), 8-14. https://doi.org/10.29038/NCBio.21.2.8-14