Capability of the immunofluorescence method for the laboratory diagnostics of infectious diseases




luminescent microscopy, directand indirect immunofluorescent test, immunofluorescence diagnostic of infectious diseases


The main trends in the use of fluorescent antibodies method as a method of laboratory diagnostics of infectious diseases of humans, animals and plants as well as a research tool associated with the fluorescence phenom-enon are described in the article. The capability of immunofluorescence test in three variations both in diagnostic work and in screening researches is described. The principles and essence, main drawbacks and advantages of each of fluorescent antibodies method in certain scientific and diagnostic works are covered in detail.
The main reasons that negatively influenced the use of immunofluorescence reactions for the diagnosis of infec-tious diseases in both human and veterinary medicine are analysed.They (reasons) could be divided into 1) objective that were initially connected with insufficient supply of fluorescent microscopes and immunofluorescent kits, 2)subjective reasons whicharose later and consisted in the reluctance of specialists of diagnostic/scientific institutions to promote and implement the fluorescent antibodiesmethod at their levels as a highly specific and intensively accurate method of labor-atory diagnosis.
The preference was given instead to usage of chromogenic or selective nutrient media, i.e. the cultural method of isolation and identification of pathogens.This led to the collapse of already established high-tech production of commercial immunofluorescent diagnostic kits in numerous biofactories of the Soviet Union, including in Ukraine.In a consequence an unreasonably decreased level of usage of immunofluorescence test both in routine diagnostic work and in scientific researches was noticed.
The article provides evidences for the diagnostic effectiveness of the fluorescent antibodies method in the diag-nosis of numerous diseases, for which this method was developed and used initially or became the etalon test in case of rabies diagnostics.Some research directions based on the use of fluorescent antibodiesmethod in particular for the effec-tive indication and identification of toxigenic, pathogenic and virulent species of microorganisms in various objects (or-ganism, abiotic environment, cultures) are highlighted.It is shown that at the current stage of microscopy and micropho-tography development the results of the fluorescent antibodies method can be easily documented.
Our further researches will concern the development of validation and verification procedures of the fluorescent antibodies method.


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Human and Animal Physiology

How to Cite

Capability of the immunofluorescence method for the laboratory diagnostics of infectious diseases. (2021). Notes in Current Biology, 1 (1), 93-101.