List of medicinal plants of the Botanical Reserve «Vorotniv»
medicinal vascular plants, Vorotniv Nature Reserve, rare plantsAbstract
The increasing of anthropogenic pressure on the environment the same as unregulated collection and procurement of medicinal raw materials lead to a growth of importance of nature reserves. This promotes flora preservation. At the present stage, there is a tendency to expand the list of medicinal plants and raw materials as alterna-tives for many diseases treatment and prevention. It becomes possible due to new properties discovering, and, consequently, the new plant species inclusion to the list. Therefore, the identification of medicinal plants habitats during the flora inventory of reserves determined the research topic relevance. Flora preservation is facilitated by nature reserves creation. The botanical reserve of national importance «Vorotniv» belongs to these reserves on the territory of Volyn region (Ukraine). The aim of this work was to study vascular plants with medicinal properties, the raw materials of which are used or can be used in medicine, of the Vorotniv reserve natural flora. The tasks of this work were to make a list of medicinal plants of botanical reserve natural flora and to identify protected species. The main list is based on V.M. Minarchenko monography. The tract flora has been studied for 20 years by the authors by conventional geobotan-ical methods. A list of 281 species of vascular plants with medicinal properties (92.4% of the total number of species) of this area was identified and presented for the first time. The Ukraine consumer cooperation system procures raw ma-terials for 24 medicinal plants (8.5% of the number of species in the presented list), 60 species of plants (21.4%) are official. Nine species of plants with medicinal properties are under national and local protection (Allium ursinum L., Cypripedium calceolus L., Dactylorhiza majalis (Rchb.) PF Hunt & Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz, Lilium martagon L., Neottia nidus-avis (L.) Rich., Platanthera bifolia (L.) Rich.; Melittis sarmatica Klok., Hepatica nobilis Mill.). The current state of rare plant species, the raw materials of which are used or can be used in medicine, requires further ongoing monitoring, which is the basis of the sozological management.
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