Adventisation species composition of flora of basalt quarries under the influence of exploitation
adventitious plants, basalt quarries, Volyn Polissya, soil substrate, transformed ecotopesAbstract
Industrial basalt deposits in Volyn Polissya are located in the north-western part of the Rivne region and are confined to the Rivne tectonic fault and the Volyn trap cover (in the basin of the Goryn and Styr rivers). The development of basalt quarries is accompanied by a marked transformation of ecotopes. The aim of the research was to find out the features of the adventitious fraction of flora in the territory of basalt quarries and adjacent areas, analysis of the impact on the processes of adventitia of basalt mining. Materials of field researches conducted during 2017-2020 on the territory of the former Kostopil and Volodymyrets districts of Rivne region were used for the analysis.
The process of spreading adventitious plant species on the territory of existing and developed basalt quarries is most influenced by two factors - a significant violation of the soil substrate and the emergence of spontaneous landfills. According to the results of research on the territory of basalt quarries, the growth of 160 species of adven-tive plants belonging to 132 genera and 46 families has been established. During the research on the heaps of quarries for the first time for Volyn Polissya the growth of Kibera gallica, Brunnera macrophylla, Tradescantia vir-giniana, Citrullus lanatus was revealed. The development of basalt quarries leads to a significant transformation of previously existing ecotopes, contributes to the formation of conditions for the spread and naturalization of adven-titious plant species. This process is facilitated by: destruction of the soil cover, the appearance of areas with sparse or completely destroyed vegetation, the emergence of new eco-tops. Adventization processes here are significantly intensified due to the emergence of spontaneous landfills.
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