Carabidae of Kivertsy National Nature Park "Tsumanska Pushcha": preliminary research




Carabidae, species composition, distribution, biotope belonging


This paper reflects the results of the first study of Carabidae in the Kivertsy National Nature Park «Tsumanska Pushcha» – the unique natural monument in northwestern Ukraine. This National Park is located in the Kivertsy administrative district of Volyn region and covers an area of 33475,34 ha. It was created on the basis of the most valuable oak and pine-oak forests. The research was conducted in 2017–2019 by the methods of route collection and mowing with an entomological net. The floodplain meadows of the Konopelka River near the village of Sokyrychi, vil. Muravishche, vil. Palche, forest in the Papyky hole near the vil. Derno, forest near the vil. Dachne, meadows and forest near vil. Tsuman, forest near Kivertsi, floodplains of Putylivka rivers (vil. Stavok, vil. Tsuman), Kormyn (near vil. Berestyane), Rudky (near vil. Zhuravychi), Hrushvytsia (near vil. Omelne), reclamation canals and meadows around them (vil. Derno, vil. Tsuman) were inspected.
In the Kivertsy National Nature Park «Tsumanska Pushcha» was registered 39 species of Carabidae belonging to 20 genera. The genus Pterostichus has the greatest variety of species, which includes 8 species. Only 8 species were registered in the site of fire: Agonum sexpunctatum, Amara communis, Amara curta, Amara tibialis, Bembidion lampros, Dyschirius globosus, Poecilus versicolor, Pterostichus minor, Amara gramisis was found only in the pine forest, only in the oak forest there were 15 species: Agonum gracilipes, Amara aenea, Calosoma inquisitor, Carabus coriaceus, Carabus hortensis, Harpalus latus, Leistus rufomarginatus, Leistus terminates, Limodromus assimilis, Nebria brevicollis, Notiophilus biguttatus, Pterostichus melanarius, Pterostichus virunicus, Stteuchicus pumnechusus, Strenuicus pumnechus. Species diversity grows along the gradient: pine forest – oak forest – the site of fire. In the pine forest the Margalef index is 1.93, in the oak – 3.55, in the site of fire – 4.42. Oak forest and site of fire habitats have the greatest commonality of Carabidae species (0.48), the average commonality index is typical for forest biotopes (0.44), the smallest similarity of Carabidae species composition is characteristic of pine forest and site of fire habitats (0.28).


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How to Cite

Carabidae of Kivertsy National Nature Park "Tsumanska Pushcha": preliminary research. (2021). Notes in Current Biology, 2(390), 59-65.