Forest-selection evaluation of half-sibs posterities of Scots pine in Volyn region




progeny tests, half-sib families, plus trees, Scots pine


Plus trees, selected for the appropriate selection purpose, are the best representatives of natural forest plantations and to a much greater extent carriers of valuable genetic traits. To confirm the genetic ability of such trees to grow rapidly, they are tested in test posterities. In progeny tests plus trees are tested for the transmission of economically valuable traits to their posterities.
According to the literature, the selection evaluation of test crops should be carried out regularly, starting at the age of five and ending at the age of 60-80 years.
Periodic monitoring of biometric and qualitative indices of posterities allows to identify trees with good hereditary properties and to select candidates for the elite.
We investigated the test cultures of Scots pine, which grow in the Kivertsy forestry in the state enterprise «Kivertsivske lisove hospodarstvo» at the age of 38-40 years. A total of 29 families are tested, and as a control variant using posterities grown from seeds of industrial harvest.
We wanted to find out how the growth rates of families and their selection structure change over time.
Studies have shown that the test properties of Scots pine in the fresh and moist growth conditions in age 38-40 years, respectively, in Ib and Ia quality, have a good condition, the preservation of properties is on average 25-33%.

Monitoring of half-sibs with increased growth energy revealed that the number of such families decreases with age and at the age of 40 years is 36% or near at the control level.
The selection structure of families also changes with age. In particular, there are more progeny that can be classified as normal, and the number of the best normal, plus and minus trees decreases.
Thus, 31% of the studied half-sibs confirmed the elitism of plus trees, which are represented by trees of Volyn and Lviv regions (26% and 40%, respectively).


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How to Cite

Forest-selection evaluation of half-sibs posterities of Scots pine in Volyn region. (2021). Notes in Current Biology, 2(390), 8-15.