Age features of reactivity of the autonomic nervous system during the processing of information of different modality and intensity of signal presentation


  • Svitlana Bezkopylna Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy



ontogenesis, cognitive functions, modality of signals, autonomous nervous system, correlative rhythmography, reactivity


116 pupils participated in the investigation: children of the age 7–8, teenagers of the age 10–11 and 13–14 as well as youngsters of the the age 16–17 years. We investigated the interaction of the cognitive and the autoagenomous nervous systems on the condition of processing information in the goL/nogo/goR mode of  different modality and intensity of providing signals. The cognitive task included defining the signal modality (the form of the figure, or the meaning of the word), quick and unmistakable reaction with the left (goL) or the right (goR) hand or slowing the moving act (nogo). By the indicators of the non-linear analysis of the heart rhythm regulation: frequency (НR), the regulating area (S), periodical (SD2) and аpеrіоdical (SD1) fluctuations of the correlative rhythmography (CR) we studied the mechanisms of the autonomous nervous system regulation at rest and while processing the image and the verbal information in the gol/nogo/gor regime with different intensity of its providing.
Comparison of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of doing cognitive and motor tasks of complex movement reactions of RV2-3 differentiation investigation results as well as indicators of the non-linear children’s, adolescents’ and youngsters’ SR regulation analysis allowed to find out different variants of the integrative brain functions and the ANS reactivity as the enforcement or lessening of their interaction. We have established being successful and the speed of doing tasks in processing and differentiating information in the RV2-3 regime as well as the reactivity of the ANS regulation mechanisms are dependent on the signal modality, the intensiveness of their display, and the age of the persons examined. The examined people of all age groups on condition of displaying verbal signals in the RV2-3 regime quantity of mistakes and the time of movement reactions is greater and the ANS reactivity is higher than to the image signals. The intensiveness of the image and the verbal information displaying an increase in the RV2-3 regime raises the number of mistakes, reduces the time of the movement reaction, and leads to the increase of the ANS regulation mechanisms reactivity. The youngsters’ quantity of mistakes, the time of complex movement reactions RV2-3, and the ANS reactivity are less than children’s and adolescents’ ones.


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How to Cite

Age features of reactivity of the autonomic nervous system during the processing of information of different modality and intensity of signal presentation. (2020). Notes in Current Biology, 1(389), 94-102.