The Communities of Naked Amoebas on the Border of the Zone "Moss – Soil" in the Forest Ecosystems of Ukraine




naked amoebas, morphotypes, microbiotopes, Ukraine


In microbiotopes of Ukraine we found 17 species of naked amoebae (moss, border “moss – soil”, soil). This species are: Vahlkampfia sp. (1), Vahlkampfia sp. (2), Willaertia sp., Deuteramoeba mycophaga (Pussard, Alabouvette & Pons, 1980) Page, 1988, Saccamoeba stagnicola Page, 1974, Hartmannella vermiformis Page, 1967, Korotnevella sp., Vexillifera sp., Vannella sp., Ripella platypodia Glaeser, 1912, Cochliopodium sp., Mayorella cantabrigiensis Page, 1983, Mayorella sp., Thecamoeba striata (Penard, 1890) Schaeffer, 1926, Stenamoeba stenopodia (Page, 1969) Smirnov et al., 2007, Acanthamoeba sp. (1), Filamoeba nolandi Page, 1967. On the border of biotopes "moss – soil", a specific variant of the population of naked amoebas does not form and an increase in its species composition is not observed, but those species that are characteristic of one of the neighboring microbiotopes remain. The soil fauna is characterized by amoeba Willaertia sp., D. mycophaga, Korotnevella sp., M. cantabrigiensis, F. nolandi. The specific composition of morphotypes of naked amoebas is not formed on the "moss soil" boundary and neighboring microbiotopes are similar in composition to each other. The amoeba of politactic morphotype prefers soil, lingulate and mayorellian – soil and the border "moss soil".



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How to Cite

The Communities of Naked Amoebas on the Border of the Zone "Moss – Soil" in the Forest Ecosystems of Ukraine. (2020). Notes in Current Biology, 1(389).