Typification of Black fly Breeding Sites (Diptera: Simuliidae) of the Subzone of Oak-Coniferous Forests of Belarus





Simuliidae, fauna, watercourse, biodiversity


. It is described the taxonomic composition and ecological features of black fly immature stages in watercourses of the subzone of the oak-dark coniferous forests of Belarus. It is common knowledge that black flies are amphibiotic insects, their development and distribution are determined by the presence of an aquatic environment. Within the conditions of the subzone, they inhabit a range of biotopes, which are characterized by size, dutty of water, stream velocity, discharge, and other environmental conditions. The research was carried from 2016 to 2019 by routing and stationary methods. Water parameters such as water temperature, stream velocity, dissolved oxygen saturation, and pH were measured. Evenness index, Shannon index, Simpson index, and Jaccard similarity coefficient are diversity parameters used to analyse the diversity of Simuliidae. All investigated watercourses were grouped into 4 types. There are 28 species of black flies from 10 genera in watercourses of the subzone: Byssodon Enderlein, 1925 (1), Schоenbaueria Enderlein, 1921 (2), Cnetha Enderlein, 1921 (1), Nevermannia Enderlein, 1921 (4), Eusimulium Ruobaud, 1906 (1), Wilhelmia Enderlein, 1921 (3), Boophthora Enderlein, 1921 (2), Odagmia Enderlein, 1921 (3), Argentisimulium Rubtsov et Yankovsky, 1982 (2), Simulium Latreille, 1802 (9). The Simuliidae fauna of large rivers (type I) is represented by 8 species, medium (type II) – 16, small (type III) – 23, irrigation canals (type IV) – 14. In general, anthropophilic, tolerant to mineral pollution species B. erythrocephala (ID 20.5%), O. ornata (ID 15.0%) and species W. equina (ID 13.8%) are dominate in watercourses. II (Нʹ=3.4; D=0.12; Е = 0.85) and III (Нʹ = 3.5; D = 0.12; Е = 0.78) types of watercourses have greater species richness. The fauna of streams types I and II are the most similarity (Kj = 0.50). From the present study, it can be concluded that rivers flow on the territory of the subzone of the oak-dark coniferous forests of Belarus are suitable to breeding of the immature stage of Simulium.  


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How to Cite

Typification of Black fly Breeding Sites (Diptera: Simuliidae) of the Subzone of Oak-Coniferous Forests of Belarus. (2020). Notes in Current Biology, 1(389). https://doi.org/10.29038/2617-4723-2020-389-1-31-39