Temporal dynamics of the invertebrates species of the tehnosols within Nikopol manganese ore basin





invertebrates, reclamation, groups, populations, ecological niche, edaphic factors, environmental conditions


The article presents the results of the study of the dynamics of species of terrestrial invertebrates within the time gradient of the tehnosols within Nikopol manganese ore basin. Research conducted at the Research Center Dnieper State Agricultural and Economic University (Pokrov city, Ukraine) during 2013-2015. Sampling was done on anthropogenic versions of soils (technosols), which are formed on loesses-like loam to red-brown clay, in gray-green clay on the technological mix of rock and loam on loesses-like loam with humus-rich layer of the soil top. To investigate the spatial and temporal variability of abundance, species richness and species composition of invertebrate communities within experimental test site, the animals were collected with the use of traps Barbera. The seven taxonomic groups of invertebrates were investigated which are closely related to the soil and land environment vegetation: (1) clams (Mollusca: Gastropoda), (2) spiders (Chelicerata: Arachnida), (3) dvoparnonohi (Myriapoda: Diplopoda), (4) centipede (Myriapoda: Chilopoda ), (5) woodlice (Malacostraca: Isopoda: Oniscidea); (6) insects (Tracheata: Isecta). It was found that the dynamics of the time during the growing season number greatest number of species of invertebrates land reclamation describes asymmetric bimodal model (model VII from the list HOFJO). Bimodalnist biotic stresses the importance of (competitive) interactions between species. Bimodal may be due to biological heterogeneity of the population and the resulting migration. The established types of temporal dynamics of invertebrates indicate the presence of complex and existing processes regulate the number of animals at the relatively young environmental entities, which are tehnosols. On the temporal dynamics of species of invertebrates structured in space and time are characterized by the presence of regular patterns on which the phenology, the following groups of animals: spring, summer, autumn, summer and autumn. Herbivores prevail among the summer-autumn forms of zoofagous - among autumn, and less of spring or summer. Reviewed summer gradient forms in time often described symmetric model V. The summer-autumn forms are characterized by feedback at the time, which can be described models of V, VI and VII. Spring forms often have a distribution model that best describes II and III.


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How to Cite

Temporal dynamics of the invertebrates species of the tehnosols within Nikopol manganese ore basin. (2019). Notes in Current Biology, 4(388). https://doi.org/10.29038/2617-4723-2019-388-4-83-104