Long Term Effects of Passive Smoking Parents on the Morpho-Functional State of Thymus of Their Offsprings





resistance, mechanical wound, passive tobacco smoking, thymus, epithelial cells


The study shows that changes in the morphofunctional state of thymus of the offsprings of rats, taken in conditions of parental tobacco smoking, are manifested depending on the burning of only the father or father and mother, as well as on the period of the skin cut was made. The animals were subjected to intoxication with tobacco smoke from cigarettes «Vatra» without a filter containing 0,8 mg of nicotine and 15 mg of resin. The presence in the blood of parent-rat main metabolite Nicotine – Quinine (8,22 ± 0,57 μg / L, P≤0,05) is an indisputable proof of the fact of passive tobacco intoxication. To investigate the resistance of descendants born in conditions of parental smoking, the morphofunctional state of the thymus was studied in healing wounds. For this purpose, the infant rats of the studied groups, at the age of 2 months, were made mechanical cuts with the length of 10 mm, width 3 mm on the outer surface of the right hind limb within one day. The two-month offsprings whose parents were subjected to passive smoking were withdrawn from the experiment after 24 hours (WB24, VMB24) and 48 hours after the incision (groups B48, VMB48). It was found that the most significant changes in the morphohistological structure of the thymus (increase in absolute and relative body mass, increase in the area of nuclei of epitheliocytes) occurred in the descendants, whose passive smoking was subjected both to the father and mother (VMB24). An increase in the absolute thymus mass by 54 % (p≤0,01) was found in the group of WB24 rats, where only the male «father» was smoked, and the descendants of the group VMB24, where the male-father and the female-mother were smoked on 52 % (p≤0,01). Relative mass of thymus of the descendants of these groups increases to 15 % (р≤0,01). An increase in the area of nuclei of epithelial cells of thymus of the descendants of the group VMB24 has been established to 14 % (р≤0,01). It has been shown that proliferation of epithelial cells is observed in the brain substance of the thymus of the descendants of the group WB48 on the 48th hour after mechanical wounding. The brain substance of the thymus of the descendants of the VMB48 group on the 48th hour after mechanical wound was characterized by a decrease in epithelial cells and signs of apoptosis. The revealed changes are specific manifestations of the stress response to healing wounds of descendants whose parents were subjected to chronic passive smoking.


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How to Cite

Long Term Effects of Passive Smoking Parents on the Morpho-Functional State of Thymus of Their Offsprings. (2019). Notes in Current Biology, 3(387), 148-153. https://doi.org/10.29038/2617-4723-2019-387-148-153