Morphological Features and Parameters of Acid Hemolysis of Alcoholized Rats' Erythrocytes Under the Action of Taurine




taurine, ethanol, erythrocyte hemolysis, acid resistance of erythrocytes


Human consumption of taurine-containing energy drinks along with alcohol leads to severe functional disorders and even death. Erythrocytes are a convenient object for investigation the influence of chemicals on the cell membrane and a criterion for assessing the state of cell membranes under the action of various factors – parameters of acid hemolysis of red blood cells. The study was performed on a red blood cell suspension of white male rats in 2 hours after a single intragastric exposure of 40 % ethanol or water in control (4 g per 1 kg of body weight). The cell suspension was incubated for 30 min at 37 °C in the non-taurine and taurine-containing (0,45 mM) medium. It was found that the intensity of erythrocytes hemolysis depends on the influence of ethanol and the presence of taurine in the incubation medium. The hemolysis time of 50 % of erythrocytes was increased in 1,20-fold (p <0,01, n = 4) and 1,38-fold (p <0,01, n = 4) in the control and experimental groups of rats respectively in response to their incubation in the taurine-containing medium. However, during the action of taurine, the time of total hemolysis of alcoholized rats’ erythrocytes was decreased in 1,27-fold (p <0,05, n = 4) compared to the control. The distribution of erythrocytes in groups for resistance to HCl showed the largest number of low resistant and the smallest number of moderately resistant cells in the blood of alcoholized rats. The highest percentage of erythrocytes with increased resistance to HCl was observed under the action of taurine on erythrocytes of intact rats. We did not reveal any high-HCl resistant erythrocytes in blood sample of alcoholized rats after incubation in taurine-containing medium. We also observed aggregation of alcoholized rats’ erythrocytes (without the influence of taurine and after their modification by taurine) on micrographs of cells obtained by light and electron microscopy.


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How to Cite

Morphological Features and Parameters of Acid Hemolysis of Alcoholized Rats’ Erythrocytes Under the Action of Taurine. (2019). Notes in Current Biology, 3(387), 123-130.