The Current State of the Western Corn Rootworm Diabrotica Virgifera Virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) Population in the Volyn Region




dynamics of distribution, quantitative analysis, probability of penetration, probability of acclimatization, potential economic harmfulness, probability of introduction, potential losses


Diabrotica virgifera virgifera is a corn pest belonging to quarantine objects in Europe, so the condition of the western corn rootworm population requires continuous monitoring and control of its size and distribution. The conducted surveys results of their number and distribution in the territory of Volyn oblast in 2017–2018 are analyzed based on the information provided by the Volyn Regional Phytosanitary Laboratory. The monitoring was carried out by method of route surveys and using synthetic sex pheromones in corn crops. Nidi were detected using a ground-visual examination of corn plantings, in particular, using the examination of the root system and the leaf surface of the weakened corn plants. For the analysis of the western corn rootworm phytosanitary risk, we calculated the average weighted indexes of penetration probability, probability of acclimatization, potential economic harmfulness, probability of introduction and potential losses. In the Volyn region, this quarantine organism was first observed in 2017, and since then it has increased the area of lesion. Pest nidi are registered in 10 districts, 11 settlements on an area of 406,238 hectares. It was revealed that the largest areas of lesion (from 50 to 80 ha) were observed in Lutsk, Ivanychy, Ratne and Kovel districts. There were no registered nidi in Shatsksky, Lyubomlsky, Kamen-Kashirsky, Manevitsky, Kivertsivsky, Rozhischensky districts. The highest level of lesion was observed in the Lutsk region. The quantitative analysis of the acclimatization possibility and distribution of western corn rootworm has shown that the pest belongs to quarantine organisms and requires the use of all phytosanitary measures for containment and restriction of its distribution in the territory of the Volyn region. It has been established that within the region, climatic conditions and sufficient food supply are favourable for the development of D. virgifera virgifera, so the pest will not only survive, but also increase in number. The absence of natural barriers to restrict proliferation facilitates the expansion of the areal.


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How to Cite

The Current State of the Western Corn Rootworm Diabrotica Virgifera Virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) Population in the Volyn Region. (2019). Notes in Current Biology, 3(387), 72-80.