Phytosanitary Condition of Green Plantations in Urban Landscaping of Lutsk
phytosanitary condition, Lutsk, planting, leaf diseases, pests, viability of plants, wood-decay mushrooms, mistletoe whiteAbstract
The phytosanitary condition of green plantations forming the city dendroflora is determined. As a result of the inventory it has been recorded that 80,0 % of trees and shrubs are characterized by growth which corresponds to the norm generally; they have about 20–25 % of the non-vitable surface. Trees with weakened growth make up 13.1 % of the total number of plants. The planting has smallest number (0,8 %) of dead and completely dead trees, 2,5 % of trees with depressed growth; their increase during current year is almost absent. Trees without depressed growth with a full leaf surface make up only 3,6 %. The distribution of the main phytopathogenic organisms and fungal diseases is investigated. The considerable attention is paid to the diseases of leaves, among which the most characteristic for woody types of the Lutsk city are powdery mildew, marginal necrosis, brown spotty, black spotted leaflets of maple, rust pears, black leafs. Regarding wood-destroying mushrooms it was found a significant distribution of trunks: genuine, false, flaky and sulfur-yellow.
The characteristics of the propagation dynamics of Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimic and Viscum album L., taking into account the data of previous years, are predicted. According to the research results of the most common pests, the damages of Pulvinaria betulae L., Aphis pomi Deg., Myzus cerasi F., Disaphis reaumuri Mordv., Drepanosiphum platanoidis Schrank, Eucalipterus tiliae L are specified.
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