Features of Temporal Parameters of Heart Rate Variability in Schoolchildren During theCcourse of Swimming Activities


  • Tetіana Kachynska Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Diana Vasyluk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Anna Trofymchuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Irina Panasuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University




cardiovascular system, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, compensated distress


Adaptation of the organism to the influence of various environmental factors, including physical activity, is significantly associated with the reactions of the cardiovascular system and its regulatory mechanisms. Taking into account the fact that the evaluation of indicators of heart rate variability is one of the main indicators of the study of adaptive possibilities, as well as the individual characteristics of athletes of different sports specialization, the question of studying the features of autonomic regulation of the heart in athletes-swimmers is actual. The purpose of work is to find out the effect of swimming activities on the timing features of heart rate variability in schoolchildren of different age groups at the beginning and end of the training year. The research was conducted on 20 males of two age groups – 11–12 years old (10 children) and 15–16 years old (10 children). Experience of sports swimming in the middle school group is 4–5 years, the senior is 8–9 years. The cardiointervalogram was registered with the usage of computer cardiographic complex «KardioLab» before swimming exercises and after the beginning and end of the training year. Analyzed by timing (static and geometric) parameters of HRV: mRR, ms; VAR, ms; SDNN, ms; RMSSD, ms; pNN50,%; Mo, ms; Amo, %; IN (SI). In the schoolchildren of 11–12 years old by the end of the training season the indices of HRV: VAR, SDNN, RMSSD, pNN50, AMo, SI, mRR – decreased, mRR and Mo – increased. In the boys of 15–16 years old are decreased the timing parameters of HRV: VAR, SDNN, SI, and mRR, RMSSD, pNN50, Mo, but increased – AMo. This indicates the prevalence of the sympathetic nervous system in schoolchildren of 11–12 years. In boys of 15–16 years during the training season, the indices of SI indicated the balance of the autonomic nervous system in the regulation of cardiac rhythm, whereas schoolchildren of 11–12 years old are characterized by compensated distress and psycho-emotional tension. A moderate level of mobilizing and restoring potential was characterized among schoolchildren of 11–12 years at the end of the training season after swimming.


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How to Cite

Features of Temporal Parameters of Heart Rate Variability in Schoolchildren During theCcourse of Swimming Activities. (2018). Notes in Current Biology, 8(381), 89-95. https://doi.org/10.29038/2617-4723-2018-381-89-95