The Features of Correlation Between Different Forms of Active Iodothyronines of Thyroid in Young Men Within the Physiological Range and at its Borders


  • Tatіana Stanishevska Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University
  • Oksana Gorna Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University



thyroid hormones, correlation between hormones


It is well known that the levels of active thyroid iodothyronines are in dynamic equilibrium, and therefore the concentration of each hormone in a certain way must influence the level of another, and vice versa. Meanwhile, the literature data concerning this aspect of the problem of correlations between hormones relate primarily to the pathophysiological studies, in particular to the pathology of thyroid secretion. The aim of the paper is to establish the nature of the correlation between the concentrations of hormones in the 4 thyroid pairs: «T3general–T4free», «T3free–T4free» and «T3free–T4general»and «T3general–T4general» based on the results of the parallel determination in young healthy male as a norm. In the course of preventive survey conducted on 98 young men aged 17–21 years, the levels of circulating hormones of four hormonal pairs were determined composed of free or general triiodothyronine and free or general thyroxine.
It was found that on the right boundary of physiological concentrations of free thyroxine, dependent on the level of a total triiodothyronine, is characterized by high variability. The high variability of this hormone occurs at the beginning of the physiological scale concentrations of free thyroxine. The physiological significance of this phenomenon lies in the fact that at the boundaries of the physiological norm all processes in the interactive regulation of hormonal pair «T3general–T4free» made with reduced accuracy (discoordination of the process of regulation), but overall the high sensitivity of the entire system. Variability of level T3free at the end of the range of physiological fluctuations of levels T4free is extremely high, which again confirms the thesis of a qualitatively different type of hormonal relationships within pairs on the borders of the physiological norm. Analysis of the relationship between the levels of T3free and T4general shows, firstly, the presence of a small positive connection, and secondly, increased variability of T3free values att the beginning of the scale of vibrations of physiological concentrations of total thyroxine. Between iodothyronine thyroid there is a direct relationship: the more blood circulating general thyroxine, the higher concentration of general triiodothyronine.


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How to Cite

The Features of Correlation Between Different Forms of Active Iodothyronines of Thyroid in Young Men Within the Physiological Range and at its Borders. (2018). Notes in Current Biology, 8(381), 82-88.