The Fauna and Biology of the Black Flies (Simuliidae, Diptera) Within of NNP «Pripyat-Stokhid»
Simuliidae, NNP «Pripyat-Stokhid», fauna, abundance, distributionAbstract
The research was carried out in order to clarify of the simuliid faunal composition in the biocenoses of the NNP «Pripyat-Stokhid», establishing their number and distribution. The materials for writing the paper were their own collection and observation of the black flies fauna of the Volyn region. The research was conducted from 2006 to 2017 by methods of route charges and observations at one stationary point of collection, near the city of Lyubeshiv (Lyubeshiv district). The rivers Pripyat, Tsir, Stokhid, Bistrita, Korostyshka, Kobylytsia, Turia channel, melioration channels were researched. The collection of the black flies immature stadies and the attack activity were carried out according to generally accepted methods. 75 etanol tubes and 1181 specimens larvae and pupae were collected. The quantitative ratio was determined by V. M. Beklemishev. Taxonomic affiliation is given in accordance with the latest world data. Classification of areals is given by K. B. Gorodkov with additions of faunal complexes by O. G. Radchenko. In the territory of the national park «Pripyat-Stokhid» in 2006–2017, 24 species of Simulium and 7 subgenera are registered: Byssodon Enderlein, 1925 (1), Nevermannia Enderlein, 1921 (2), Eusimulium Roubaud, 1906 (2), Schoenbaueria Enderlein, 1921 (2), Boophthora Enderlein, 1921 (1), Wilhelmia Enderlein, 1921 (2), Simulium Latreille, 1802 (14). Among the representatives of the genus Simulium, the largest number of species (58,3 %) has a subgenus of Simulium. The simuliid fauna of the Park is allochthonic and consists of black flies from the boreal, mediterranean and steppe zones, with a significant predominance of boreal species – 67 %. In the river Pripyat 8 species were registered; in the river Stokhid -13, in small rivers 16, in meliorative channels 15 species. A total of two species are dominant (ID more than 10 %) and widespread (IP more than 70 %) in the park hydrotopes: S. (B.) erythrocephalum and S. (S.) ornatum. The maximum density of the preimaginal phases of development was
observed in 2 and 3 decades of May.
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