The Analysis of the State Greenery of Molody Park in Rivne


  • Natalya Denysyuk Rivne State University of the Humanities



park, greenery, dendroflora, introduced species


The article analyzes the species composition of green plantations of Rivne Molody Park. It was determined that its dendroflora consists of 66 species of 23 plant families of the next divisions: Pinophyta and Magnoliophyta. The most numerous species and forms are Rosaceae, Cupressaceae, Pinaceae, Oleaceae, Salicaceae, Aceraceae (74.1%). The dominant species are: Thuja occidentalis, Pinus sylvestris, Betula pendula, Aesculus hippocastanum, Picea pungens, Pinus abies, Salix alba, Robinia pseudoacacia. Dominant shrubs are Syringa vulgaris, Forsythia suspense (10,02). Introduced species take 69.67 % of the total number of shrubs. According to moisture sensitivity (according to S. S. Pyatnitsky, V. Ya. Zayachuk), the dendroflora of the park is represented by the following groups: mesophytes – 40,3 %; хeremosophytes – 30,59 %; xerophytes – 14,05 %; mezoserophytes – 7,69 %; mesogrophytes – 6,44 %; hygrophytes – 0,93 %. According to soil nutrition the ecological groups of trees and shrubs (according to S. S. Pyatnitsky) are represented by the following groups: oligotrophy - 53.73%; megatrophs - 28.18% and mesotrophs - 18.09%. According to light needs (according to V. Ya. Zayachuk) the most numerous groups are shade-tolerant and very light-loving wood-shrub plants. It has been shown that gas-resistant trees and shrubs in the park take 61.72%, medium-stable - 11.1%. 78% of trees and bushesin the park exist in satisfactory conditions, 15% - in good conditions and 7% - in unsatisfactory conditions. The majority of dendroflora (63.8%) is represented by short life species of trees and shrubs. This means that it is necessary to partially update the park plants complex. It is necessary to supplement the existing assortment of green plantings with long-living and fast-growing plants breeds and forms of trees and shrubs that will be resistant to anthropogenic impacts, diseases and blasts.


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How to Cite

The Analysis of the State Greenery of Molody Park in Rivne. (2018). Notes in Current Biology, 8(381), 33-39.