There is the Wheat Biotechnology. New Approaches of Evaluation of Fall Wheat Frost Resistance




fall wheat, hardening/freezing in vivo, cell cultures in vitro, frost resistance


The frost resistance of the fall wheat genotypes was evaluated. The frost resistance is the integrated characteristic of entire plant. Freezing procedure is one of the biotechnological approaches of its investigation. But during this procedure a lot of functions connected with stress resistance that realized on cellular level remain unknown. On the other hand genetic and physiological characteristics of cell cultures are successfully studied. The combination of the in vivo and in vitro approaches is proposed for estimation the wheat frost resistance.
Grains on initial stage of shooting were passed through hardening/freezing procedures. The hardening protocol declares: the temperature lowering from 00C to -80C with step 20 per 48 hours; then subsequent temperature was decreased from -80C to -200C with step 20 per hour. After this manipulation grains were maintained under -200C temperature stress during 24 hours and sowed into the soil.

From recovered plants immature embryos were dissected and transferred to a number of nutritional media. Cell cultures were induced from these explants. Various genotype-depended and medium-depended reactions of cultures were marked. They are: simple germination, calli induction, the combination of both processes. The freezing process decreased the number of survived plants. The most adequate expression of tissues viability was the reaction of simple germination.
It was shown that fall wheat genotypes frost resistance essentially vary. Procedures of in vivo young grain shoots freezing replaced by the detection of cell cultures viability are the appropriate biotechnology for the selection of wheat frost resisted variants.


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How to Cite

There is the Wheat Biotechnology. New Approaches of Evaluation of Fall Wheat Frost Resistance. (2018). Notes in Current Biology, 8(381), 23-27.