Analiz Dendrosozofitiv Indigenous Species Composition, Introduced in Protected Parks Artificial Ukrainian Polissya


  • Natalia Myhailovych National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine



autochthonous nepoliski dendrosozofity, tree species, shrubs, structure dendrosozoflory, evaluation decoration


In the article the structural analysis of indigenous species dendrosozofitiv mountain of Ukraine, introduced to the artificial Ukrainian Polesie protected areas. In the study area is growing 17 species of protected indigenous nepoliskyh dendrosozofitiv. With love gymnosperms Six species of plants, angiosperms – 11. Mezofaerofity represented by the same number in two parts, in the department of gymnosperms and mehafanerofity hamefity absent among angiosperms they represent one of the species. Only one plant (Cerastium biebersteinii) belongs to the department napivderevnyh plants, shrubs and shrubs type, all the rest – to the Department of woody plants: the type of wood, type of bushes, shrubs type. Overall, among the investigated dendrosozofitiv dominated by plants whose size ranges from 5 to 25 m (30) m.
According to the geographical division of the Earth AL Takhtadzhyan studied dendrosozofity originating Holarktychnoho kingdom. Indigenous nepoliski dendrosozofity love gymnosperms are less demanding wealth to soil conditions than the representatives of the Department of angiosperms. Instead, the department angiosperm species are more resistant to adverse moisture conditions.
Of the nine categories of classification rarity species Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature classified dendrosozofity investigated only four, with preference up views that are close to threatening condition. In natural phytocenoses indigenous species studied less often act as spivedyfikatoriv often they act asektatoramy. Investigated denrosozofity of great economic value. Mostly these nutritional, medicinal and industrial plants. All studied species have ornamental value.


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How to Cite

Analiz Dendrosozofitiv Indigenous Species Composition, Introduced in Protected Parks Artificial Ukrainian Polissya. (2016). Notes in Current Biology, 12(337), 54-63.