Adaptation Responses of Student’s Organisms with Different Weight in the Dynamics of the First Year of Study


  • Oksana Dobrostan Institute of Natural Geography and Ecology of the National Pedagogical Drahomanov University
  • Oleksandr Pluska Institute of Natural Geography and Ecology of the National Pedagogical Drahomanov University
  • Natalay Filimonova Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv



adaptation, regulatory mechanisms, the degree of stress, student


A deviation in body weight from a norm is essential in situations which put high demands to a human body. Therefore, the purpose of our research was to study adaptive responses of students with different weight in the dynamics of the first year of study by analyzing the degree of tension of regulatory systems. For the researchit was formed two groups from the number of students of the first year of M.P. Drahomanov NPU: I group has been consisted by students with normal body weight, II – students are overweight. The dynamics of the academic year in the I group is set only a tendency to intension the compensatory-adaptive mechanisms, while in the II group is found significant tension compensatory-adaptive mechanisms since the second phase of the study. Detected changes of heart rate in the II group in the last stages of the research can be described as a transition from substantial intension of compensatory-adaptive mechanisms of the organism within the physiological norm to unstable adaptation. In addition, a comparative analysis of heart rate variability students with different BMI at each stage of the study showed: starting from the second stage of the II group of students in comparison with I one a tone of parasympathetic divisionis much less expressed, less adequate functioning of the heart, more centralizationof heart rhythm control. Consequently, in the II group in comparison withthe I group the intensionof regulatory mechanisms was significantly higher during the first academic year, and therefore «price physiological adaptation» higher. In such a way we can assume that students are overweight are ina risk group of psychosomatic diseases, which demands the implementation of individual approach and individual studying programs in some disciplines, and especially individual programs physical training lessons during the educational process.


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How to Cite

Adaptation Responses of Student’s Organisms with Different Weight in the Dynamics of the First Year of Study. (2016). Notes in Current Biology, 7(332), 147-153.